- and, of course there are jobs to be done:
In the past twenty-four hours the temperature has started to fluctuate, rising by mid-afternoon, with a little, very light drizzle in the evening and then dropping overnight: the perfect conditions to form 'black ice' - the ice that often occurs after light freezing rain and snow melting and then re-freezing on hard surfaces to form a deceptive, transparent blend with the surface colour on which it forms: so, car roofs and wind-screeens, where it sticks, particularly hard to remove, as it is much 'tougher' than semi-opaque or 'white' ice:
Early this morning, around 7.00am, the temperature was just below freezing and it was possible to see the black ice on some garden pathway steps:
But what was really surprising was its coating of the cement driveway and the adjoining gravel - the latter is quite large, rough gravel that one would think would not be at all slippery .... but it was as if it had had a coating of grease and I almost took a fall when going to the olive tree to feed the birds their meal-worms and mixed seed:
So, a short Blog Post - just to show how quickly weather conditions can change - and, in this case, to welcome that, as we needed some cold temperatures for health of the soil and to confirm to the plants and wildlife that we still have 'seasons'. We'll see what the next week or two brings.