But, first of all, the nest: to recap, our neighbour's amateur beekeeper friend (Gabriel) had contacted a professional beekeeper - and a week later they came to deal with the nest and to inspect the location and the size of nest:

- and Other Things!
Blackbird - House Sparrow - European Goldfinch - Wood Pigeon Whitethroat - Swallow - Crow - Kestrel - Buzzard - Hoopoe Turtle Dove* - Black Redstart* - Red-Backed Shrike* Cirl Bunting* Corn Bunting* - Yellow Warbler - Hen Harrier* - Red Kite*
Black Kite* - and, in passing, particularly noticeable were: Hummingbird Hawk Moth (2 species). The * signifies species that may be of particular interest to bird-watchers.
Dedicated readers of the Blog may recall our snake who lives in one of the walls adjacent to the main barn. Over the last couple years we have not sighted him/her .... but a couple of days ago, walking along beside the wall ... there he/she was:
So, quite a 'wildlife few weeks' here at 'Nichoir'!
I'm writing this on the eve of the UK Election, having followed all the process since MayBot's calling of the Election - and have to say, perhaps with the 'privilege' of distance (although we have voted), that it has been a deeply depressing exercise. We are just hoping that the subsequent Brexit negotiations will be demonstrate some grown-up politics and will acknowledge that the public may just be able to distinguish between assertion and fact. Send in the bees we say .......