Well, it has been another few days of really good progress - the filling and sanding on the remaining part, the main sitting/dining room, has been completed ... with David working with his patent broomstick method!

More to the point has been the work on laying the wooden flooring, ready for the tiling. The main problem has been the uneven concrete flooring - which needs to be made as level as possible. We have found some of the story behind why the floor is the way it is - apparently the concreting was supposed to be done over two days, but the concrete was delivered (we reckon about 80 tonnes - it is @ 140 square metres) not just on 'Day 1' but all in the morning ... so, a 'team' of six people worked furiously to get it laid as evenly as possible (it was also mid-summer, so very hot) - but, inevitably, it ended up a bit 'wonky' at the far end ... the end we're working on. Anyway, the solution is to lay battens every 70 cms or so, of varying heights, so that any variation in the concrete flooring is compensated for:
But this has been a very good week - excellent progress. Outside the weather has been beautiful ... cloudless Autumn skies, with temperatures in the mid-20's: